Week 2 of our Crochet-A-Long is here and it’s a lot to unpack! Oh The Office, how I love thee, let me count the ways.
Week 2 The Fun Run
Who can forget The Fun Run? Or as Michael calls it.
Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For The Cure.
For some back story we have to take it back half a season to when there was a bat in the office and Dwight trapped it in a garbage bag on Meredith’s head, potentially exposing her to rabies.
(Also the episode where Jim convinces Dwight that it was a vampire bat and he was bitten and now carries the vampiric gene.) Oh, And Pam’s art show! But I digress.
In the two-part season 4 premiere Michael hits Meredith with his car, cracking her pelvis. While in the hospital they decide to treat her for rabies as a precaution because of her recent encounters with wildlife, thus breaking the curse that hit Meredith with Michael’s car.
So many good moments in this episode. First and foremost, Jam is finally confirmed! (Jim and Pam). Also, Dwight kills Sprinkles, Pam sees Michael’s penis, and Andy’s nipples chaffe. Also, an iconic Michael Scott quote
“I’m not superstitious but I am a little stitious.”
Yarn Colors
- Red Heart Super Saver – blue suede
- Craft Smart – Black
- Craft Smart – Gray
- Craft Smart – White
Purchase on Ravelry
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After purchasing the pattern make sure you request to join our private Facebook group! Fun runs will be had.
Find all of my CAL posts here: The Office Crochet-A-Long Posts
Happy Crocheting!