Final Week – Appliques
There is sooo much that I’d love to include in this blanket but there’s only so much time and space in the world. So as a compromise I’ve snuck in a few more of my favorite things via appliques. Let’s break it down, shall we.
World’s Best Boss
Found it at Spencer Gifts.
It’s where business happens. – Small Business Man Magazine, probably.
The Nard Dog
AKA: Puke, Ace, Buzz, Boner Champ.
Big Tuna
AKA: Jimothy, Jimbo
Michael’s Plasma TV
Good luck paying me back with your zero-dollars-a-year salary plus benefits, babe.
Christmas Lights
Happy Birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party’s so lame.
And just like that, it’s over! I can’t believe it. Sad face emoji.
It’s been so much fun putting this CAL together. If you missed it, it’s not too late. You can now purchase the completed patterns on both Etsy and Ravelry. Follow the links below to find the pattern.
Purchase on Ravelry
Purchase on Etsy
Well folks, it’s been real. Stay tuned because I have a couple of ideas in the works for another CAL. Until then …
Pin it for later.