Find all the details about the CAL on Ravelry here. And find The Road So Far updates of our progress and previously released panels here.
Supernatural Crochet Along Week 7
We saved the best (and biggest for last). OBVIOUSLY, we couldn’t leave out Baby. She’s the real hero.
I thought she was going to be the hardest panel to design but she was kind to my creator brain and flowed pretty naturally into a graph.
Isn’t she beautiful? She takes up some serious real estate on our blanket, as she should. I took the picture below before I added the angel blade to our wings from week 5. Next week after I’ve sewn it all together I’ll share an updated photo.
Originally I planned on putting the Carry On My Wayward Son at the bottom of the blanket but after laying it out like this, I’m torn. I kind of like how it breaks up the other panels. Hmmmm. Thoughts?
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